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As you already may know, I went to Chicago on a school trip from Monday the 18th to Wednesday the 20th. We had an amazing time, and I am telling you about my experience. 
The way to Chicago was pretty boring, all we did was talk and watch movies. We eventually got there. Our first stop was the museum of Science and Industry. They had cool stuff like a tiny model of US cities and a cool space exhibit, but the coolest thing was the U-505 submarine. They also had a mirror maze, which was a room full of mirrors. It was hard to get through the first time. We then went to the Sears Tower (my preference; please don't get too angry). I took pictures of the views and one of my pictures made it's way to my lock screen. After that, we went to ComedySportz, which is this comedy show that people do. It's kind of hard to explain. They do these weird but funny games. Like I said, It's hard to explain. When they asked for volunteers, I got lucky and was 1 of the 2. The people would act out a scenario, but they couldn't move, so I had to move them. For supper that night, we ate Chicago style pizza and someone RUINED the experience for me by unscrewing the Parmesan cheese. The hotel that we stayed in was a Hyatt, and is the BEST hotel I've ever stayed in.

The second day was busy. We left the hotel at 8:30 to go to Buckingham Fountain. It was nice, but then we went to a place along Lake Michigan near Adler Planetarium, and I took a cool panorama. We went to Shedd Aquarium, and I saw one of my favorite animals of all time, PENGUINS!!!!!!!! For lunch we went to Navy Pier, but before I ate at Harry Carry's (Holy Cow) I rode on the Ferris Wheel, which is actually this post's cover image. We then went on a river cruise of the Chicago river, learning about the Chicago Fire, and architectural styles. After that was exploration time in Michigan Ave. And you won't believe it. THERE WAS A MICROSOFT STORE (I actually looked it up before I went)!!!!!!!! We are supper at Rainforest Cafe, and then we went to the Blue Man Group, which was the best. They did so many funny things. Like the comedy club, this is hard to explain.

Finally, Wednesday. We packed up our luggage and left the hotel to go to Lincoln Park Zoo to see animals. After that was more shopping on Michigan Ave. We ate lunch at Portillos.After that we explored Millenium Park (the bean!) and left.

That's pretty much it.

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