Well I have jailbroken the iPhone XR! Here is a list of the tweaks I have and what they do:
- Accent: Change the iOS main accent color. I changed mine to red.
- AutoUnlockX: Now I don't have to swipe up on the lockscreen to unlock, like the Pixel 4 XL.
- BatteryPercentX: Who needs a battery icon when I can see the percent number.
- Blanca: Leaf (houchdj) style rounded corners.
- Blankpass: When unlocking, the numbers are invisible so people can't see my passcode. Helpful when wearing a mask.
- BrowserDefault: Set chrome as my default browser
- CastSwitcher: 4 apps on the screen in the app switcher
- CCMusicArtwork: I don't usually listen to music on my iPhone but it shows the album art as the background for music controls in control center
- CCSupport: Custom control center modules.
- Clean folders: Blank background for folder on the home screen
- Colormenotifs: Notifications are the same color as app icon
- Dark keyboard: Dark mode keyboard in light mode apps (like snapchat)
- dotto+: Little tiny dots instead of the big red bubbles
- Hidedots: Hides the dots on the bottom of the home screen
- iconvibe: Haptic feedback when opening apps
- Kaleidoscope: Custom UI colors, so I can have an all black UI
- LowBatteryBanner: When you have 20% or whatever, it shows as a notification instead of a popup
- Mapsopener: Opens maps in Google Maps instead of Apple Maps
- No One is Typing: No stupid typing notifications on snapchat
- Power Module: Respring and restart and such in control center
- Saw: Removes the little bottom bar so I can use the full screen
- Snowboard: Theme engine for the home screen
- Speculum: Customize the lock screen
- Tap tap lock: Double tap the home screen to turn off the screen
- Tap tap flip: Double tap the camera to flip to the other camera
- Thine: Cool line icon pack
- Vesta: Adds an app drawer (like Android)
- Waqt: Shows seconds on the clock and the date underneath
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